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Shawn C. Standard 他2名
For more than 30 years, we have taught limb correction surgery at the annual Baltimore Limb Deformity Course (www.DeformityCourse.com). We have used these hands-on experiences with our students to guide us when creating this book. The Art of Limb Alignment is a concise guide for beginners starting on their journey to master the art of limb alignment. Understanding limb alignment and malalignment is a critical task for surgeons who treat lower extremity deformities. The first task is to characterize the deformity: Is the bone angulated? In what direction is the bone angulated? What is the level of the deformity? Where is the apex of the deformity? What is the magnitude of the deformity? Is the bone short? Is it rotated on its axis? All these questions must be answered before correcting the problem. In Chapter 10 of this tenth edition, digital planning software (Bone Ninja app, available as an iPad app teaching tool through the App Store) is used to